
Ehekarussell Marriage Roundabout

The bronze sculptures represent six marital emotions, from the first passionate love, to marital conflicts and finally to death

  • Address
    Ludwigsplatz 21, 90403 Nürnberg
  • Latitude
  • Longitude

The extravagant Marriage Carousel was commissioned by the City of Nuremberg, designed between 1977 and 1981 by the Braunschweig sculptor Jürgen Weber and built in 1984. The bronze sculptures represent six marital emotions, from the first passionate love, to marital conflicts and finally to death. Among the characters is the poet Hans Sachs, who represents a dancing figure at the head of the fountain. On the opposite side of the fountain is a heart engraved with a poem.

The fountain also serves as a cover for the ventilation shaft of the subway's route. The artwork was firstly highly controversial because of the expresive representations and the considerable budget overruns. The fountain is now considered to be one of the most important modern artworks in the city of Nuremberg.

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